Donate to AMMV
Give to AMMV with a monetary donation. All funds raised directly supports our mission of remembrance for our WWII Mariners legacy and education of the U.S. Merchant Marine service. We are the only organization dedicated to advancing the recognition of U.S Merchant Marines and the sacrifices they have made for America. Your donation is tax-deductible and automatically diverted to the initiatives that need the most help.
Why Donate to AMMV?
By contributing to our cause, you can contribute to helping us with our many goals. To assist WWII legacy ships, our members donate substantial labor and financial resources. We were successful in getting the Merchant Marine’s efforts recognized at the National WWII Memorial, as well as ensuring that local merchant seamen were properly recognized in parks and other places. On a national scale, historical literature and oral knowledge about our members’ search for Just Recognition has been widely circulated to Congress. We’ve reached out to schools, museums, newspapers, and other media outlets to ensure public knowledge of U.S. Merchant Marine history is taught.
We have accomplished so much, but there’s so much more to do. Members are currently advocating for the continuation of the Jones Act as well as the maintenance and expansion of the American Flag fleet. We applaud Military Sealift Command’s (MSC) efforts, include extra staff training, and call for constructive aid for United States maritime education. Efforts with Congress and submissions to the Air Force for post-World War II veteran recognition are still ongoing. Donating to AMMV will ensure that these continued actions can persevere. As a non-profit organization unaffiliated with any other maritime organizations or political lobbies, every dime you donate goes directly into our member programs.